Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Who doesn't love freckles- Seriously! Took these portraits at Sand Hollow and at Red Cliffs State Park. What I learned? Life is a lot easier when your subject wants to be in front of the camera. Carli could have done this all day, which helped to get great pictures of her.






What a Handsome Guy? Must get his looks from his mom!

I'm getting caught up! Here are my son's senior pictures from this spring. I really wanted to get a couple of great pictures of running, since that was his life in High School.
Okay- this was my first attempt in post production with cloning- kinda like it! Hope I can use technique again sometime.


State champ ring- cool bling!









McGlinn Family

My sister Kari came up a couple of weeks ago to visit and we took some family pictures while she was here. I forgot how much energy two toddlers can have. I made them a deal at the end- they could come and use the shutter release to take 5 pictures of their parents, if they would sit in the picture for one! Worked like a charm. Lesson- better work quick when you are taking pictures of toddlers, and bring money next time to feed the ducks!






Thursday, June 23, 2011

Engagement photos

Had a great time taking a friends engagement photos this last weekend. Worried that since I've know her for years that she wouldn't feel comfortable showing affection in front of me- what I learned instead is that when people are love, they don't even know you exist!

fix9942 by kimkimzey
fix9942, a photo by kimkimzey on Flickr.

Note to self: Alway's bring someone with you when you are shooting portraits. Chelsea was the best- joking and putting the couple at ease. She also made sure that things like the ring and brides hair was in place. She also lugged around my camera bag, diffuser, and refector- thanks chels! Also should remember that it takes longer than you think- We started at about 7:45 (sunset for 9). Could have used 15-30 min longer.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Why am I blogging when I said that I would never- ever?

My Daughter, Chelsea, told me this week that I should start a blog. I started to laugh- me??? But today I was editing photos for a friend (her daughter is getting married in august and they asked me if I would take some engagement pics for them) and it dawned on me. There are plenty of great pro photography sights out there, but what about a mom that just wants to touch up her photo so that her teenage daughter doesn't cringe when she sees a family photo with that one zit front and center on her forehead?
Also, for very selfish reasons, it would be nice to compile all the different tips, tricks, and formulas in one place. I could post my favorite pictures as reference for the future. So if no one else in the world ever sees this, it doesn't matter-